
Rwandan Partner Reverend Thoms Rugabisha, President of Mibonas Ministries and Headmaster of Remera Mbogo Residential Secondary School for 550 orphan survivors of the genocide:

January 2010
"Your organization’s 2008 trainings in trauma healing, unity and reconciliation, counseling and heart-centered leadership reduced trauma outbreaks by 90%

We would also like to thank all those who donated to water tanks and electricity. This has really changed student life because now they can easily get water, before having this water tank, students could walk 2km, and now are able to study at night so this is an important support to this school."

September 2008
“To our beloved and honorable guests and lecturers, Lori and Connie, we are grateful for your great commitment for the work of healing Rwandans from the traumatic experience we passed through during the 1994 genocide. Your organization’s great financial support, your long and tiring journey as well as your workshops ministering to our teacher and student participants will be like mustard seeds in the schools and community of Rulindo District, in the Northern Province of Rwanda. Your trainings in trauma healing, unity and reconciliation, counseling and compassionate leadership are pioneering activities in our region. On behalf of myself, the teachers and students, our government authorities and our community we extend our sincere invitation for you to return to us for another visit so you may evaluate the impact of their work and strengthen our relationship. Until then we pray for you, your families and all your generous donors.

Children2Children Project, Moira Mahr, Pacific Grove Middle School Teacher, Pacific Grove, CA

People can be inspired by the world around them to one degree or another everyday. And even though many people can motivate change and movement, none can do so more deeply and profoundly as a child. The “Children 2 Children” Project have given my students a look beyond themselves, and helped them to connect with children on the other side of the world. This connection has nurtured hope for the future, and has transformed the way humanitarians are created.

The transformation has been stunning! My students have changed into unbelievably caring beings, putting aside the strife in their own lives to help comfort those much less fortunate. Children who connect on a heart level, knowing someone across the world has a chance at a better life because they took action, can not help but change. They will never be the same again.

Preparing for a fundraiser, and seeing the faces of orphans they will be helping in Rwanda, a student commented that no one was smiling, and all in the room became a bit unnerved. Fifteen American kids standing in a classroom at that moment felt the overwhelming task, responsibility that they have chosen.

Yet, as only children can, a glint of hope in a statement, “Well, if we help only one, we make a difference, and one may be smiling next time.” The spread of hope and inspiration from an eleven-year old child… That one hope in that moment, inspired the rest of the kids to understand it may be overwhelming, but it must be done; one orphan, one hope, one being, one world. Taking the steps that are needed, even if it seems like a small step.

This project has changed the lives of my students, some more profoundly than others. As they work, they inspire. As they give of themselves, hope transpires. You can not measure the level of change a person feels when they give of themselves, but only the impact that giving has on their being, and in turn others.

I have seen many gestures of giving by children who inspire, care, and hope, not only for themselves, but the world. In this giving, in this sense of hope, our future has wonderful possibilities. A world of humanitarians connecting, creating a “net of hope.”

Inspiration comes in many forms. Not the least from the hope and desires of a child spreading love to make the world a better place. I am honored to be connected with such a beautiful transformation. Knowing our world is a better place because of the efforts, aspiration, and caring of a few, can stir in our presence, the thought of a very bright future!

From Our Donors

“Donating to CGH allows me to be part of the solution that is not of government and not of large institution, but really people-to-people, heart-to-heart, and that’s how real solutions to ur biggest problems have to happen.”  - Kay Cash-Smith, Tiburon, CA

"Most of us want to do be a force for good and healing, but it takes a very special kind of person to willingly come face to face with great suffering and be strong enough to be present for the person in need. I know I don't have it in me to do this kind of work. But Create Global Healing allows me to be a part of the healing process, nonetheless, by supporting the work of these special healers. I also know that every penny of my contribution went to hands-on, hearts-open programs that literally transform lives of genocide victims. And knowing that makes me feel very, very good."  - Jackie Morris, Carpinteria, CA

“The world cries out for hope, heart and healing, and each of us has our own particular piece to contribute. I am so grateful Lori does this incredible work with the genocide survivors in Rwanda. It allows me to give money in the most impactful way possible - to produce ongoing healing. Other than being there myself, I can’t imagine a more fulfilling way to facilitate change.” - Boni Lonnsburry, Boulder, CO

“Donating to your programs has been a gift to me. It always feels wonderful to know that I have helped someone, and I also find that when I do, so much comes back to me. Along with the joy of giving, I still have and wear the beautiful heart you brought back for me from Rwanda. And I so appreciated the updates you sent from Rwanda telling us of your activities and their impact. Your trauma healing/heart-centered leadership programs are truly wonderful and such an amazing gift to all. Thank you for everything you do, Lori. You are a gem and a bright light in the world.” -
Marilyn Winfield, Pacific Palisades, CA

“I contributed to Create global healing's Trauma Healing land Heart-Centered Leadership Programs because of the amazing heart and gifted healing work of Lori Leyden. To contribute to an organization that can impact a country in such need, in a primary and meaningful way, is a great honor.”  - Elisabeth Sorensen, Mill Valley, CA