Heart-Centered Leadership SpotLIGHT

Barbara Stone, PhD & Bert Fellows, MA. Barbara and Bert have been invaluable to the success and expansion of Create Global Healing. They are truly a "gift that keeps on giving." Because of their support and generosity of time, talent, spirit and money we have been able to accomplish so much more than I thought possible.

When I sent out my first request for donations in June, 2007, Barbara and Bert jump-started the campaign with their donations and a matching challenge of $800 that inspired $8000 in donations in two weeks! And have enthusiastically continued to spread the word and raise money since then. They introduced me to the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) of which I am now a member, Annual Conference presenter and Co-Chairman of the Humanitarian Committee and supported my humanitarian grant application for which I received $1500 for our trauma healing programs. In 2009, on behalf of their families, they donated money for the first water tank to be installed at the Remera Mbogo High School Orphanage, trained and participated with me as volunteer team members in Rwanda, and documented and produced our first research paper which appeared in the first issue of Energy Psychology Journal.  See our Results Page.

Children2Children Club, Pacific Grove Middle SchoolThese amazing young heart-centered leaders have raised over $3500 for our orphan healing programs, water tanks, electricity and goats for the orphanage. I meet with them twice a year to for a day of heart-centered leadership training and each week they meet as a club and come up with incredibly creative and inspiring fundraising projects such as their latest project - creating a play entitled: Global Healing - Two Lives Connected which will premiere on May 24, 2010! In 2007 they created a Peace Quilt which I took to Rwanda where our Rwandan orphans created their own section of the quilt. They have made peace bags and written extraordinarily compassionate letters to our orphans, made handcrafted, fine wooden pens for sale, and so much more. Just like our Rwandan orphans they inspire in me a true knowing that world peace is possible with our next generation of heart-centered leaders.

To Barbara and Bert and the young people of the Childen2Children Club, we wouldn't be where we are now without you! From the very depth and height of my heart, you fill me with such gratitude, love, joy and wonder,

In the spirit of grace,
