In just three years, we have:
Recent Progress Report From Rev. Thoms
Rev. Thoms
In just three years, we have:
- Conducted Trauma Healing programs for over 550 orphans, widows and pastors who survived the genocide.
- We conducted the first trauma healing and reconciliation program for high school orphans in all of Rwanda.
- As a result of our 2008 program at the orphanage and the commitment of the teachers and children, trauma outbreaks were reduced by 90% in just one year. Now students from other schools come to the orphanage to be trained by our student leaders.
- In 2009, orphans participating in our programs experienced 20% to 26% reduction in their trauma symptoms.
- As part of our Global Youth Initiative the Children2Children Club at Pacific Grove Middle School, in CA - a small group of 11, 12, and 13 year olds - have raised over $6000 in two years to benefit our orphans.
- Knowing that trauma healing is only one piece of what’s needed, we’ve also provided for basic needs and self-sustainable resources such as:
- Food
- Emergency medical assistance
- School fees
- Livestock and plants
- The orphanage miracles of:
- Water Tanks
- Electricity
- Internet, computers and Skyping!!!
Can you imagine what it must be like for 550 teenagers not to have to walk for miles to the nearest water source, to have electricity in their classrooms for the first time ever! to be able to communicate with the outside world....
AND now Project LIGHT: Rwanda.
AND now Project LIGHT: Rwanda.
Recent Progress Report From Rev. Thoms
- We would like to inform you that a permanent team was set up. This team is in charge of dealing with traumatic stress. These are teachers and students who have been trained. We have also set up what we called family advisers: These are trained students who not only in their “families” (students have been formed into small groups, designated as “families” with two older students taking on the role of “parents”) deal with these issues of trauma and take care of those having trauma episodes (flashbacks, night terrors, etc).
- These really reduced the trauma rate in our school while the country was in the mourning month of April when the number of traumatised people increases.
- We visited the students of the school called APEKI TUMBA and we shared with them the topic on unity and reconciliation among Youth. This school is planning to come and visit us on the 24th May 2009.
- Now the Unity and Reconciliation Club is active with your teachings. Division and ethnic tensions are highly reduced (this a heart issue more than visible). Students have had the opportunity to deal with these issues in the club. It is a platform for open discussions and healing of hidden wounds.
- We have set up a kind of unity slogan like a song. It says: Have Peace and others will respond. Let us forgive one another and have reconciliation. Let us eradicate the genocide ideology at its roots.
Rev. Thoms